Friday, November 28, 2008

Back to Hong Kong (Day 1)

Time to return to another "home-town" of mine, the island of 东方之珠。The sense of excitement was no longer as strong as what I had two years ago, yet it was more like going back to where I'm most familiar with.

牛丸粗面 (Beef meatball noodles)
鲜虾云吞细面 (Prawns Wanton Noodles)
Look at those huge prawn wantons I had!! There were 3 juicy prawns in each wanton, noodles were springy and soup was nice and tasty. Yummilicious! Furthermore, its' relative cheap as it only cost 18 HKD per bowl. Met up with my Hong Kong friends for dinner and they brought us to 打邊爐 at a restaurant in 銅鑼灣 (Causeway Bay) called, 小肥羊火鍋 (Little Sheep Steamboat).

So many dishes that I don't even know what to write about!! Basically, the food was fresh and tasty. The 麻辣 soup-base was too overpowering for all of us. Look at the layer of chilli oil on the soup and those dried chilli that we're trying to scoop them up! Eventually, we almost scooped up a "mountain-bowl" of dried chilli!

Nevertheless, we did enjoy our time and small chats over this sumptuous (and over-priced!!) dinner treat. Thank you ladies! =)


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